Empowering Independence: Advocacy, Community, and Overcoming Challenges with Tracee Lydia Garner
Nick Speaks
Nick Speaks is a podcast dedicated to empowering adults and young people with disabilities. Join me as I share insights and experiences from my own journey of self-discovery and advocacy. Tune in and find your voice!
Nicolas Comstock

Empowering Independence: Advocacy, Community, and Overcoming Challenges with Tracee Lydia Garner

S1 E24 • Feb 4, 2025 • 63 mins

In this episode, Nicolas Comstock chats with Tracee Lydia Garner about her journey, starting with her first power wheelchair and its impact on her writing career. Sponsored by Goodnight Podcasting Solutions, they discuss support systems, advocacy challenges, and wheelchair safety. Tracee offers insights on vocational rehabilitation, advocacy, and the emotional aspects of her work. They explore disability perceptions, social security issues, and financial hurdles, then shift to future advocacy, legislative changes, and employment. Tracee introduces her new book and stresses empowering youth towards independence. The episode wraps up with supportive communities' importance, Tracee's advice, and contact info.

Key Points

  • Parents should encourage their children with disabilities to seek independence and employment opportunities, as it fosters social connections and personal growth.
  • Navigating the social security and benefits system can be extremely challenging and often requires persistence, appeals, and a thorough understanding of one's rights.
  • Advocacy for people with disabilities is crucial but can be exhausting due to systemic barriers and outdated policies that limit access to necessary resources and opportunities.
Free Book link - Anchored Hearts


My website: http://www.traceegarner.com

Bio: Tracee Lydia Garner is an international best-selling author of more than 20 books, a motivating speaker, humorist and book coach. She has taught at the academic level as an adjunct professor for 14+ years, teaching several courses including, Small Business PR and Promotion, Self-Publishing Boot Camp, and How to Write the Novel. Offered a book publishing contract at just 24 years of age, back then with one of the “Top 5,” Tracee went on to write more work for publication and has also been published in her alma mater’s literary magazine. Tracee loves public speaking, teaching workshops, and talking about the craft of writing at every opportunity. Tracee holds a BS in Communications, and a nonprofit management certification. While her heart is in romance, she also writes self-help, books on craft and publishing for writers, and teaches two, intensive writing courses online and for local Public School system.

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